Friday, December 18, 2009

A Friend & Her New Wii Fit

Kit, my Iowa friend and former composition student who has her teenager Kayla still at home, shared some of her encounters with the new-to-her Wii Fit program. Enjoy!
Kerry bought me a Wii Fit for my birthday. Not because he thought I needed one, because I thought I needed one. Exercise and I are like oil and water. Just the thought of it makes me want to recline on the couch and eat potato chips. But the time had come in my life that I had to exercise to help rev up my slowed down metabolism and tone up those sagging muscles.

I didn’t realize that the Wii Fit has a personality that can make me smile or want to throw something at it. For instance, every time I step on the balance board to exercise, it groans. That’s funny at first, but after awhile it gives me a complex. If I skip a day of exercising, Wii Fit says, “Too busy to exercise yesterday, eh, Mom?” A few more days in between sessions and it tells me exactly how many days it’s been. I yell excuses at it like, “I was on vacation!” Sometimes it tattles on the other participants. “I haven’t seen Kayla in quite a while.” Or I might hear when I’m balancing on one leg during yoga exercises, “Your leg is shaking.” Like I hadn’t noticed. Or if I lose my balance, “Did you put your leg down?” Only to avoid crashing to the floor.

The balance board is also a scale, but not an accurate one. One day I weighed heavy and the next day light. The second day, it bawled me out for losing weight too quickly. When it was Kayla’s turn, it quizzed her about me. “Do you think Mom looks A. Thinner, B. Fatter, C. More Tone, D. About the same.” Kayla responded with D. It then replied, “You need to pay more attention to Mom.”

The best way to exercise with Wii Fit is alone. Empty the room of spectators and their comments such as, “You didn’t raise your leg high enough.” Or “Are you almost done?’ Or my favorite after demonstrating in front of Kayla how to hula hoop (one of the aerobic exercises), she said, “No daughter should ever have to see this.”

The reason I keep exercising is because there’s a reward – the balance games. My favorite is when I’m a penguin catching flying fish on a tipping iceberg. Kayla is best at hitting soccer balls while avoiding panda heads and shoes thrown at her. Hey, it may sound weird, but it’s my entertainment before I go lay down on the couch and eat potato chips. - by Kit Phelps, Tipton, IA

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kara Is 21!

November 10th was Kara's birthday, but Dave and I celebrated with her today at the Olive Garden. A nice relaxing afternoon, and Kara offered to do all the driving!

Monday, October 19, 2009

It Finally Arrived

The coconut we mailed to our neighbors on September 27 from Kauai arrived this past Saturday. Dave and I had almost given up hope that it would ever get here, but Bob and Margaret were pleasantly surprised - which was the reason we sent it!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

POP, POP! In Jen's Backyard

In the fall, wisteria seed pods audibly pop their pods and their seeds go flying - is what Jen discovered happening in her back yard. The seeds can fly distances up to 70 feet! Another of Mother Nature's survival surprises! And good for a chuckle.

We Loved Kauái

Yes, I took lots of sunrise photos since Dave and I stayed on the east side of Kauái by the ocean (Sept. 22-29). And as expected, I have lots of flower photos too - many taken at the Hindu Monastery. As for animals, roosters awakened us every morning and crowed all during the day too. Oh yes, look for the photo of our hotel room guest - hint: on the wall by the mirror. Enjoy the show (not all 600+ that I took, just a little over 200.) Click on the photo below, then click on 'Slideshow'.
Kaua'i 9-2009

Yes, It's Green!

Laura is the one who insisted on green. (A traditional white cast for my broken wrist would have been fine with me.) Other choices: pink, blue, black, etc. I'm not at all fond of wearing a cast, but I didn't have a choice after a rock on the Franklin trail tripped me as Dave and I headed down hill Sunday, October 4 - which also was Laura and Bryan's 23rd wedding anniversary.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Birthday Party & A Balky Bobbin!

After birthday cupcakes, ice cream, gifts and the traditional singing of "Happy Birthday," the focus shifted from the birthday girls (Laura & me) to my 48 year-old, faded-lime-green portable Singer sewing machine. It's bobbin, a few days ago, became stuck. EVERYONE (Rod, Dave, Bryan, Justin, Kara, Laura) except me, provided input. And, lo and behold, Laura, after much lint removal from numerous puffs of the small compact air duster, located the culprit thread that hung up my bobbin. Who needs a $50/hour repair person when I've got a family like mine! Now how's that for a unique birthday party story?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Have Fun With Your Photos

Yup, this is me. Go to to upload a photo and have some creative fun. (Notice that I got rid of all my wrinkles quickly without Photoshopping or using anti-wrinkle cream!)

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Kupe'e (Coo-pay-ay)

This is the orchid kupe'e (bracelet) I made yesterday at the Hawaiian Cultural Festival downtown Seattle. (The orchids are real not fake!) I even learned a few hula moves, and also to keep your bare feet together (you don't want a Toyota truck to go between your legs), to keep your knees bent, to stand tall and to smile.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Garlic Ice Cream, Yum!

Yes, I'm eating garlic ice cream. Since twice (July 2008 & 2009) I had to cancel my trip to the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy CA, I decided to try garlic ice cream at the Chehalis WA Garlic Festival yesterday. It was quite good with just a hint of garlic, although I didn't manage to talk Dave into tasting some. The festival area had lots of garlic for sale and many food booth garlic selections available, but the garlic smell was not as overwhelming as I thought it might be. Try garlic ice cream when you get a chance and see what you think.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


The number of dried things in jars - herbs, fruit, tea etc. was amazing to me - in the New An Dong Chinese Herb & Grocery in Seattle's ChinaTown/International District. One of my goals is to learn to use the buses in downtown Seattle so that we can show guests around without worrying about finding parking. This past Tuesday, my friend Carol and I took the bus to Seattle to learn about its International District. Not only did we see the fascinating herb store in the picture above, we had lunch at the Cambodian Noodle House, stopped by the huge factory where fortune cookies and noodles are made, visited the Wing Luke Museum, toured a very narrow-aisled fish shop, and learned some history of the area from our guide. And, most importantly, we managed to get on the correct bus to come home!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Iowa to Michael Jackson: No Butter Sculpture

So -- it's been decided - no Michael Jackson memorialized in butter at this year's Iowa State Fair! Read all about it here. Plus, you might enjoy some of the comments. Even the non-dairy spread Earth Balance is mentioned!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Something Old - Something New

The old: A slice of this ancient oak was exposed by ice age floods and then found by road crews in the 1930s in Central Washington, sage brush country near Vantage by the Columbia River. This petrified example and several hundred others, including the rare Ginkgo, are on display at the Ginkgo Petrified Forest State Park that Dave and I visited this past Sunday. Plus, there are some petroglyphs on display that were salvaged from oblivion when the nearby Wanapum Dam was built. An eloquent park ranger willingly shared lots of information with us.

The new: The guide here at the Wild Horse Wind Facility ten miles from the Park on Vantage Highway, was quite informative too, as were the displays in this visitor's center. This relatively new 9000 acre wind farm currently has 127 wind turbines with more in construction. Note the 'old-fashioned' windmill in the picture - like the one on our farm (except ours was metal and had a ladder) where my dad had to rescue me when I was about four and I tried climbing its ladder!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Kasey Recommends

On a hot summer day, Kasey finds this napping position very comfortable.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fascinating Web Site

Interesting concept. We routinely save our thoughts in writing, but our day-to-day sounds are another story. This site is about collecting sounds - that is, other than music. Take a look and a listen. On the page's right, is a Sounds Diary link. Or if you're in a hurry, click here to listen to the cowbells of Switzerland!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Behind Us is Long Beach CA

Here Dave and I are at the Signal Hill Hilltop Park standing on top a thin layer of earth under which is their unseen water source - a buried 1.2 million gallon reservoir of water. Oil pumping rigs are sprinkled throughout Long Beach which was once one of the world's richest oil fields. At that time, Signal Hill was covered with so many oil towers that it was nicknamed "Porcupine Hill." Photos and info about the park.

That was just one cool part of our trip to visit Jen, Patrick, Dustin, and their pets, Noah, Roscoe and Jack. Besides picnicking by the ocean in San Pedro, eating lots of Jen's yummy cooking, seeing the doctor's office Patrick artistically converted into Star Ship Enterprise, helping Jen make prop returns, observing the sea life and lorikeets at the Pacific Aquarium, and enjoying the wildlife during our hike at the nearby lagoon, we soaked in some California sun and ate some tangerines from Jen's backyard tree. I'm looking forward to our next trip there - needless to say!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Mystery

There are over 600 acres of these approximately 8 foot by 30 foot mounds that were covered by grasses, a few saplings and many dainty wildflowers when we were there yesterday. These Mima Mounds may have been caused by earthquakes, volcanic action, glaciers or gophers - yes, burrowing gophers is one of the many theories. To learn more about this mystery, read this article about western Washington's Mima Mounds.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

She's in the Semi-finals

I watched Susan Boyle "live" on British TV (Britain's Got Talent) on my computer a few minutes ago! Here's her winning performance on YouTube!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Iowa's Shawn WON Dancing With The Stars!

I wanted gold medal Olympics gymnast Shawn Johnson to win Dancing With The Stars this season. However, it looked like Gilles would probably take home the mirror trophy. But I was wrong, wrong, wrong! Shawn and Mark's Freestyle dance Monday night made me think that she deserved to win. And I'm glad this Iowa girl did it! Here's the YouTube:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Food for Thought

"The Doctor of the future will give No Medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." —Attributed to Thomas Alva Edison

I ask: Where does our Western medical system and capitalistic society stand in achieving this?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Happens When You Blow Into An iPhone?

Well - first you need to have the Ocarina application on your iPhone. Then, you blow into the microphone, press the "ocarina keys," and voila, you're playing a tune.

Listen and watch here.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jen, The Doll Stylist, At Work!

...on a Cabbage Patch doll.

Watch This Japanese Ceremony

Recently, a completion ceremony for the new Japanese Garden Gate House at Seattle's Washington Park Arboretum was held. Watch this two-minute video that includes music by the Taiko drummers, garden pictures and parts of the elaborate ceremony. (Look for the "shoe" photo - a photo of contrast that includes wooden getas.) I didn't go to the ceremony but now am excited about visiting the Washington Park Arboretum again. Here's part of the newspaper article:
SHOWERS of sake, salt, sand from a sacred mountain and five colors of cut paper blessed the four compass points at the new Japanese Garden entry gatehouse in Washington Park Arboretum.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Try It, You'll Like It

Jen just told me about - it can be your personalized radio station. Type in a favorite artist or a music genera at the web site, and Pandora Internet Radio will find and play that music as well as similar music for you! Plus this site includes info about the artist and the lyrics, and other options. In a nutshell - Pandora is a music discovery service designed to help you enjoy music you already know and to help you discover new music you'll love - that's how the website describes itself. Thanks Jen, for telling me.

Jen's 40 TODAY!

And still has that glow and happy outlook!

(Kindergarten photo 1974)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dustin to the Rescue

Here's Dustin with the tortoise he rescued from getting hit on the highway when Jen's group were coming home from skiing at Mammoth. And here's some info about tortoises - including the fact they burrow, which I guess is logical since they're desert dwellers.
Tortoise— A land-dweller that eats low-growing shrubs, grasses, and even cactus. Tortoises do not have webbed feet. Their feet are round and stumpy for walking on land. Tortoises that live in hot, dry habitats use their strong legs to dig burrows. Then, when it’s too hot in the sun, they slip underground.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Mystery!

I had my camera, as usual, yesterday at the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival and discovered after loading my photos on the computer that some (not all, thank goodness) of my photos were tiled like this one. I still haven't figured out what button(s) I must have accidentally pushed! But the festival was alive with vibrant tulip colors and many, many people - the traffic was really backed up! The weather cooperated!

Marble, Tiffany & The House

Several weeks ago, I toured the stately Washington Legislative building that has marble from Alaska, Italy, Germany and France along with beautiful Tiffany lights. The House was in session. And it just happened that the cherry blossoms and daffodils were in full bloom.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Note the Scarf!

Susan Boyle's scarf for her "new look" is the same plaid as on the scarf that Dave bought when we were in Japan in April 2006 because we didn't bring enough warm clothes! Seeing that plaid pattern (which we do fairly often) always brings back memories of that snowy day in the Japan Alps and our "conversation" with the shop keeper. We spoke little Japanese, and she spoke little English.

FREE Audiobooks

Take a look at where you can download oodles of free books/short stories - those that are now in the public domain.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Any Guesses?

Can you identify these? They're Golden Ray migrating stingrays going on their biannual trip between Florida and Yucatan, Mexico - thousands of them. They're also known as cow nose stingrays that measure 7 feet from wing-tip to wing-tip, and from a distance, they look like a golden mass of floating autumn leaves!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Have a Laugh


Fascinating Man

Experience the mesmerizing interview, story, and photos of the artist who designed the stained glass windows in the National Cathedral in Washington DC. Click here. When I visit there, someday, the windows will have a whole different meaning than if I hadn't heard this interview on NPR this morning.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Funny little story you'll enjoy about Violet, the three-year old daughter (pictured above) of actors Ben Afleck and Jennifer Garner. The video is more entertaining than the write-up.Click here.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

And Here's Kara!

This is an excerpt from the local chiropractic's office newsletter with photos of the newly-moved-into office and of Kara! Click on the image to make it more easily readable.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Less Than Six Degrees of Separation!

I got this clipping from Lisa a few days ago. Looks like all our family is less than the six degrees of separation from President Obama!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


When looking up the name of the goddess with many arms, I found this fascinating YouTube. Enjoy.

From a Favorite Cartoonist of Mine

They'll Be There

We won't, but Deirdre, Hugh and Guy Cross will be at the inauguration. (John is traveling for his job, otherwise he'd be there too.) In her email, Deirdre said:
"We are so excited about President-elect Obama. Every eligible voter in our house voted for him and I volunteered most Saturdays and Sundays between his nomination and the election. I have a lot of faith in him and think he's the right man for these times."

I'm glad Dave and I visited Washington DC - I can at least visualize the area! I think we're lucky to have relatives there, and it's cool that Guy can have spectacular fireworks every year for his July 4th birthday! I'm now using our Washington DC photos as my screen saver. This photo was taken then (May 2005) with John's family at George Washington's Mt. Vernon home.

Tidbits about Past Inaugurations

My favorite is no. 10 about the pigeons at Nixon's inaugural parade! Enjoy the whole trivia list, and ponder what might happen at Tuesday's inauguration that could possibly be added.

Food for Thought

Read or listen to this letter!