Sunday, September 9, 2007

My Silent Neighbor

Yes, the one-time tallest man in the world, Bernard Coyne, was our neighbor when I was growing up. However, I never spoke to him. He was 8' 2" and wore size 25 shoes when he died in 1921 and was buried in the St. Joseph cemetery next to our Anthon, Iowa farm. The photo above is Bernard with his parents. My mom had told me about him and had evidently seen him in person. I imagine she was quite impressed. She was seven when he died. Also, another family connection is through the Dixon family. Bernard is the brother of my uncle Francis Dixon's brother-in-law! Click here for an undated newspaper article about Bernard. And believe it or not, I didn't know he was my "cemetery neighbor" until today when I found some info on the Internet.

1 comment:

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