Sunday, February 24, 2008

His Foot

Actually, when I was taking the photo of this aptly named White-cheeked Gibbon yesterday at Tacoma's Point Defiance Zoo, I wished he would move his back foot away from his face. He didn't oblige. But now I'm glad he didn't move his foot since this photo has turned out to be my favorite as it shows his very long toes - that look much like our fingers. Hmm. Click here for more info on this long-limbed wonder that can cover distances over 40 to 50 feet in one swing - part free-fall!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

We Saw It - the Lunar Eclipse

This is a photo taken right outside our house.

Don't Have a Camera Tripod?

...but you're willing to spend $1 or less on an alternative? Click here Dave made one for me and found that a license-plate-holder bolt works great.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February Blooms

Faithfully every February our rhody lets us know spring is coming. It's on the windowless side of our house so we can't enjoy it from inside, but, it's nice for Margaret next door to enjoy while she's at her kitchen sink.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Annette Island, Alaska

Bryan rode from Ketchikan to Annette Island (about 20 minutes) in a plane like this float plane. Click here to learn more about the interesting area where he spent three days.

Rod's Birthday

It's caucus day for Washington state today - but even more important - it's Rod's birthday. We celebrated with Rod and the Johnson's by eating at the Black Diamond Pizza and Deli. Then we had cake and gifts at our house. As you can see in the above photo, we also covered Valentine's day with the Ghiradelli chocolates and St. Pat's Day with the green hat. A fun family time!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Stage that Patrick (and his crew) Built

On January 30, these four Republican presidential candidates and three moderators are on the stage that includes Patrick's fingerprints and probably sweat - at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Patrick and his crew built it all - the stage, platforms, desks and railing. Impressive, huh? (photo from the Los Angeles Times)