Sunday, December 23, 2007


From You Tube - Hippo-Dog-Cat by zvengaar Here's part of the story behind this song.
This is the story of an African doo-wop song. Its original title was “Mbube,” (pronounced EEM-boo-beh) which means “Lion,” and it was sung with a haunting Zulu refrain that sounded, to English-speaking people, like “wimoweh.” “Mbube” was a big hit in what is now Swaziland; it sold nearly 100,000 copies in the 1940s by its originator, South African Solomon Linda. Linda had written it based on a boyhood experience chasing lions that were stalking the family's cattle, and recorded the tune in 1939 with his group the Evening Birds. Click here for more info.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Tom Says to Relax & Watch Pelicans... this little Mexican white-sand beach town on the Caribbean about an hour from Cancun. I'm game! Information here!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

Frog Visitor

This frog stopped by our house vent to get warmed up, I suppose, since it's in the 30s today. He's (or she's) a lot bigger than the frogs we usually see around here. He was definitely bashful and didn't want to turn around so that I could get a photo of his face.

And Here's Jack in His New Hoodie

...with his master Patrick